Steere Farm Elementary School
From the Desk of Mrs. Francis:
Happy March! Please click here to read our March newsletter. Included in the newsletter is information regarding our district wide “March-giving” competition and our PTA’s March Madness fundraiser scheduled for March 14th!
As a reminder, the RI Department of Education is currently administering its annual Surveyworks family survey, which is an opportunity for family members to provide feedback about our school community and our children’s opportunities to learn. To take the survey, visit: Choose Steere Farm Elementary School from the dropdown list.
As always, please do not hesitate to reach out with any suggestions, concerns or questions.
Thank you,
Courtney Francis
SFE was chosen to be featured for the RI Department of Education's RICAS Rockstars Video series given our 14% growth in ELA test scores!
HMH, the creators of Into Reading (the reading program used in our school) visited Steere Farm with a video crew in October 2024. They filmed lessons and interviewed teachers, students, and administrators. We are excited to share the final video created from their visit!
Safety is a Top Priority! Steere Farm will continue to stay vigilant with regards to school safety each and every day. We will continue our fire and lockdown drills, we will continue to check identification of all who enter our school.
The Importance of Attendance School attendance is super important to the academic achievement of our students. The school year is 180 days, and if a student is absent 18 days, he or she has missed 10% of the school year! That's a lot of time! That's 18 days of missed instruction, hands-on experience, and important discussion about learning. Absences should be used for illnesses, which are inevitable. While family vacations are great fun, missing school immediately puts students behind. Please plan vacations for times when school is not in session - this will help our kiddos to stay on track!
What do we mean by Respectful, Responsible, and Ready to Learn? These are our school rules. We are a Positive Behaviors and Instructional Supports (PBIS) school, and we work to highlight positive behaviors in order to change negative behaviors. Our students earn SuperStar tickets throughout the various areas of the school, and they can use those tickets to "purchase" small items or activities each week. There is a home matrix as well, so that our families can use these same structures in the home.